LEAD180’s Instructional Planning Toolkit is the heart of LEAD180’s Core Concept of Alignment and is key to successfully plan and align instruction for students within College Career Ready Standards.
- Helps educators align with CCRS in English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Cuts down on lesson planning time
- Downloadable & printable PDF
- Compatible on all mobile devices with free Adobe Acrobat Reader app
- Unpacks every standard and organizes learning targets by Depth of Knowledge levels
- Provides question stems and academic vocabulary for each standard
- Provides instructional strategies for multiple levels of students and paired texts for each standard
- Also works in the DropBox App
After using the IPT, teachers will better understand and plan more effectively for the rigor and intent of each unpacked ELA and Mathematics CCRS.
*This purchase is for a single school license. To purchase a district or state license, email
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