Coaching Topics
Curriculum Alignment
From unit planning to assessment development and everything in between, LEAD180 has the Curriculum Alignment coaching sessions designed to help your teachers, school, and district effectively align their teaching strategies to college and career readiness standards.
Topics include:
A clearly articulated Scope and Sequence serves as the first step toward an aligned curriculum. Teams will be guided to select their priority or focus standards. Teachers will then be supported in arranging those standards into units sequenced to provide for increasing levels of rigor throughout the school year ards. Teachers will then be supported in arranging those standards into units sequenced to provide for increasing levels of rigor throughout the school year.
A well-designed Unit Plan provides a roadmap for instructional planning. When developing their Unit Plans, teachers will designate the major concepts, learning targets, and academic vocabulary that will make up the unit. Teams are supported in creating assessments and in considering differentiation strategies to ensure the learning needs of all students are met, measured, and accommodated during the unit of learning.
Vertical alignment is an important step for schoolwide curriculum alignment. Teams are guided to identify the most essential learning that happens at their grade level, within their content, and then, through facilitated dialogue, collaborate with the teachers of the prior and following years. Through these conversations, teachers determine whether the student learning experience is cohesive across the school.
A clearly articulated Scope and Sequence serves as the first step toward an aligned curriculum. Teams will be guided to select their priority or focus standards. Teachers will then be supported in arranging those standards into units sequenced to provide for increasing levels of rigor throughout the school year.
An understanding of the purpose and importance of each formative and summative assessment is where teams begin when examining their current assessment practices and planning for future assessments of student learning. Teams will be supported in examining current assessments used within their classroom for alignment to the standards. Teams will be taught a process that can be used to develop assessments that are aligned to the targets and that inform instruction.
Contact us today to learn more and to book your Curriculum Alignment Coaching today!
Rigor Alignment
Educators who not only teach to the intended depth of rigor for each standard but also make that instruction accessible to their students with diverse learning needs can create an enriching and equitable learning environment. LEAD180’s Rigor Alignment Topics can help your educators create those vital learning opportunities for all their students. Topics include:
Topics include:
Cognitive Rigor describes both the type of thinking and the depth of thinking required by a standard. When teachers understand Cognitive Rigor, they are able to provide students with a more enriched learning environment. In this session, teachers will explore both Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Rigor and will engage in opportunities to practice planning with both.
Academic Standards are written to varying levels of Cognitive Rigor. When teachers are adept at determining the Cognitive Rigor of the standard, and understand the types of experiences best suited to those levels of rigor, they are able to develop learning experiences that challenge all students. Teachers will learn the steps to developing lessons and assessments aligned to the rigor of the standard and will have the opportunity to practice using the provided template.
Calibration is an integral part of any schoolwide improvement effort. Using a protocol, teacher teams will examine a task or assessment or alignment to the rigor of the standard. Examining specific criteria, teachers will not only receive feedback that can be used to improve their task or assessment, they will also gain a deeper understanding of Cognitive Rigor.
The opportunity for teachers to observe their colleagues is a powerful professional development tool. These observations are most effective when they are facilitated by a skilled coach and when they are focused on specific criteria for feedback. Instructional Rigor Walks can be used not only to provide an opportunity for staff to learn from each other, but can also be used to develop a common understanding of, or common expectation for, rigorous instruction within the school.
One of the most common concerns we hear from teachers as they plan for rigorous instruction is, “What about my students with diverse learning needs?” The true mark of an equitable system is one in which all students have access to rigorous instruction aligned to grade level standards. This can become a reality with guidance and intentional planning. In this session, and in subsequent follow-up support sessions, staff will learn strategies to provide multiple points of entry so that all students experience rigorous learning opportunities.
Contact us today to learn more and to book your Rigor Alignment Coaching today!
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports
LEAD180’s coaching sessions around Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports will help teachers better understand, develop, and improve MTSS systems and processes schoolwide. Topics include:
Topics include:
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports are a critical component of successful schools. In this session, teachers and leaders will gain a deeper understanding of what must be present within the school in order for students to have access to the instruction they need, when they need it. Teams will learn the variety of ways in which a system of supports can be organized and will consider what might work best for their students. School teams will be ready to begin planning their own MTSS plan after their session.
Using a guided, data-focused process, school teams will be supported as they develop their Multi-Tiered Systems of Support plan. This process will examine each level in terms of identification, instruction, and monitoring. Teams will comprehensively consider both academic and social/emotional supports as they define their schoolwide MTSS teams and designate interventions that are available.
Maximizing every minute of each school day is one step that schools can take to improve student learning. When teams approach their instruction with urgency, and the master schedule is developed in such a way that promotes that urgency, the minutes spent learning increase. Developing a master schedule that is aligned with the Multi-Tiered System of Supports plan for the school ensures that time is not a barrier to student learning.
With an emphasis on high-impact instructional strategies, teachers teams will learn about the components of a successfully designed intervention plan. Staff will be provided with a planning template that will give structure and guidance to the development of corrective instruction.
Strong instruction at the Tier 1 level is the true indicator of the success of an MTSS program. In this session, teams will examine the success of their Tier 1 instruction and will learn ways it can be improved. Using a data-driven protocol, teachers will reimagine classroom instruction at the Tier 1 level in a differentiated, responsive model.
Contact us today to learn more and to book your MTSS Coaching today!