Framework for Sustained Change

LEAD180 is built on a five-step framework that creates sustainable change in schools. This system has been proven time and time again to not only improve test scores, but the school’s overall climate.

Our strategic approach is the key to lasting results. Leaders who get results know that change requires focused management to be sustainable. Work with your team to devise a plan to make sure your next change is a lasting one.

Download our Framework for Sustained Change for a set of guiding questions to help your team through the change process.

Thank you for creating this toolkit

“Thank you for creating the Instructional Planning Toolkit. It is truly a teacher’s dream come true. This all in one planning toolkit not only helps guide our teachers in differentiating their instruction, it also ensures teachers are planning with cognitive demand in mind for College and Career Ready Standards.”

Raquel Gonzalez, Principal, Chicago Public Schools

Five-Step Framework

LEAD180 believes finding root causes for past successes or failures is key. When you know what strengths and weaknesses your team has, you can better build on its strengths and know how to avoid mistakes in the future.

Creating a plan to clearly show how changes will be implemented and sharing it with your team is LEAD180’s next step to sustainable change. Strive to hit smaller goals that can be measured in weeks and months, and find ways to provide data showing progress.

Once a plan has been created, implement it with a concerted effort to provide constant communication with your team. LEAD180 believes sustainable change cannot happen without clear, constant communication among team players. Work with your team to proactively identify obstacles, giving them time to create a strategy to overcome challenges.
LEAD180’s next step to sustainable change is finding a way to measure progress. Gathering data with surveys and focus groups provides an accurate measurement on how you’re progressing. Once collected, share the data with your team and offer support where it’s needed the most.
The last — but possibly most important — step to sustainable change is taking time for reflection. LEAD180 believes deep reflection is crucial to sustainable change. Find time to reflect on your progress after reaching a major milestone. This is a great opportunity to celebrate victories and discuss adjustments with your team.