Vision, Mission
& Beliefs

Our beliefs

Developing leaders and teachers
to improve schools

Changing how educators learn through
authentic and practical experiences.

We believe…
- PEOPLE are the most important factor to
a school’s success. - School Leaders need to provide ALIGNMENT of instruction, assessment, and curriculum
to ensure academic success. - Teachers, students and parents need ongoing SUPPORT from school leaders to reach their goals.
- A child’s ability to learn and achieve at high levels is not predetermined by his or her race, background, or family’s level of income.
- Success happens through effort and hard work.
- People need goals, evidence and feedback
to learn and grow.
Theory of Impact

Instructional strategies and design can be influenced by providing teachers with evidence, and analytics that allows for reflection and the recalibration of practice.
Davis, J. (2013). Supporting creativity, inclusion, and collaborative multi-professional learning. Improving Schools, 16(1), 5-20.

Develop a coherent and relevant standards-aligned curriculum that provides the academic rigor, and culturally relevant instructional materials and resources to support every student.
Short, J., and Hirsh, S. (2020). The Elements: Transforming Teaching through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning. New
York: Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Provide a level playing field and eliminate gaps in access and opportunities by ensuring high-quality teaching through sound instructional leadership that is focused on learning for both students and the professionals within the school.
Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(2), 106-116.
Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin, a SAGE company.
Our Beliefs in Action

Real Change Starts from Within
Sustainable change must come from within. As educational institutions molding the minds of students, schools must work with a diverse demographic on a regular basis. As such, school leaders must be people-focused, with a high degree of emotional intelligence when directing a school.
LEAD180 serves as a guide in helping schools create a culture of success by building the self-efficacy of parents, teachers and students. Our program provides structures and protocols to give feedback to teachers and students showing evidence that they can reach goals with support, increased effort, beliefs and goals. The LEAD180 Principles of Performance offer a constant focus on producing outcomes through methods that create greater connections with school staff and administrators.
Inaccurate data are useless
Data are useless unless it is aligned and provide accurate feedback to students. LEAD180 does just that, giving feedback to both students and teachers that is already aligned to CCRS, teacher’s instruction, and the state’s curriculum and assessments.
LEAD180 presents Four Steps to Curriculum Alignment as a method to see that all facets of teaching, learning and feedback are aligned to the cognitive rigor of CCRS. The Four Steps to Curriculum Alignment ensure what is being taught and when it will be taught is planned prior to the school year. This allows teachers to plan and design their instruction and assessments to the appropriate rigor level of the intended standard or target.

Inaccurate data are useless
Data are useless unless it is aligned and provide accurate feedback to students. LEAD180 does just that, giving feedback to both students and teachers that is already aligned to CCRS, teacher’s instruction, and the state’s curriculum and assessments.
LEAD180 presents Four Steps to Curriculum Alignment as a method to see that all facets of teaching, learning and feedback are aligned to the cognitive rigor of CCRS. The Four Steps to Curriculum Alignment ensure what is being taught and when it will be taught is planned prior to the school year. This allows teachers to plan and design their instruction and assessments to the appropriate rigor level of the intended standard or target.

Ongoing support is required for success
Schools cannot be successful without ongoing support for student and professional learning. LEAD180 helps you with every step by offering solutions for ongoing professional and student learning
so schools can create effective learning structures. LEAD180 guides schools through the process of designing a multi-tiered approach
to professional learning for teachers. Support for student learning
is provided as part of an established data-driven culture focused
on providing corrective instruction to meet the individual needs
of students. As teachers focus on educating their students,
LEAD180 provides coaching to support instruction and learning, while giving teachers a moment to reflect and provide feedback
to one another.