Our Team
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revolutionize your school or district. Contact us
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LEAD180 Implementation Team
Scott Neil, PhD
Danica Lewis
Chief Program Officer
Kisha Bellande-Francis, EdD
Implementation Coach
Amy Lubban
Implementation Coach
Lydia Glassie
Implementation Coach
Mary Rice-Boothe, EdD
Culturally Responsive Teaching Advisor
Ed Morris
School Leadership Dev Advisor
Educompass Development Team
Anjali Nennelli
Technical Team Lead/Project Manager
Alexandre Barreira
Lead Design Architect
Marcus Pitz
Front End Developer
Scott Neil, PhD
Dr. Scott Neil is a nationally recognized expert in the area of school turnaround, with a focus on Data-Driven Instruction and the development of positive school cultures that foster student and teacher efficacy. With a PhD in Educational Leadership and 14 years of school and district leadership experience in urban education, Scott has led the turnaround of five different urban schools in Florida over his 30-year career in education.
He has also worked with over 150 schools and districts across
ten states in both rural and urban settings. Dr. Neil worked
as a national subject matter expert, training organizational facilitators, and principal coaches with the national nonprofit organization New Leaders, whose mission is to prepare educators to become transformational school principals across eleven cities within the United States.
Bringing a unique combination of deep experience as both
a practitioner and researcher in the field of school leadership within high poverty school settings, Scott has trained and mentored over 450 principals and 500 emerging school leaders over the course of his career.
Danica Lewis
Chief Program Officer
Danica Lewis, LEAD180 Cheif Program Officer, has 23 years of experience in schools, serving as an elementary teacher and later as a school and
district administrator, including school building leadership, early childhood leadership, special education leadership, and curriculum
& assessment leadership in urban and suburban schools.
Danica led the implementation of standards-aligned instruction, assessment,
and grading as both a district-level and building-level administrator. Danica facilitates powerful professional learning around literacy, standards-aligned instruction and assessment, rigorous teaching, data analysis, and professional learning community leadership.
In 2017, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
recognized Danica as the “Instructional Leader of the Year” for the State of Wisconsin.
Amy Lubban
Implementation Coach
Amy Lubben has worked in education for over 20 years. She taught Special Education (K-5), was a 5th grade classroom teacher, and a 4th/5th
grade multi-age classroom.
Amy is a Math Recovery Specialist. Amy served as an instructional coach, supporting teachers K-12 to implement best practices in literacy education and disciplinary literacy, along with analyzing data for student growth and success.
Amy enjoys collaborating with teachers to cultivate teacher leadership and create positive learning experiences for all students.